
Kymin View School

Where every child is valued


Breakfast Club

Kymin View Primary Breakfast Club


Breakfast and Childcare - Parents who wish their child to attend Breakfast Club at 8.00am need to book their child in advance for the session via Parentpay/Breakfast Club/ Makebookings.


There is a £1.00 charge per child, per session.  Payments can be made in advance via Parent Pay

Please note: Free school meals pupils will not be charged, but will still need to pre-book.

Breakfast Only - for pupils arriving between 8.25am and 8.30am,there will be no charge for this.

There is no need to pre-book onParent Pay for the Breakfast only.


Ask about registering your child at the office.

or speak to Mrs Wright.


Please ensure that your Parent Pay account is kept in credit 


'Take the rush out of your morning and give your child a good start to the day, chatting and eating with their friends.'

